A letter has been sent home with pupils today regarding the entrances to St Mary’s, and drop off and pick up arrangements.
We are politely requesting that you “DROP AND GO” at the school entrances. Children will be supervised in the playground by staff and will line up in their classes. If your child is distressed, of course you can come in to the school playground but please maintain a 2m distance from other households.
For older children, please consider arranging to meet them a short distance from the school. There is parking at Poltonhall pitches and there is a Crossing Patrol there too. If you do need to collect from the playground this should only be one adult for the family and you must respect the 2m physical distancing rule that is part of the plan for keeping the school Covid secure.
Chester’s view should not be used for parking for the school as this has already caused congestion and problems for residents.
Thank you for your support at this time.