Author: myadmin2


Do you need help with finances, food, paying bills, parenting, mental health?  There is help available over the summer. Family Supports Summer 2020

P1 Transition

Unfortunately due to the new school site being closed down until last week, it will now not be possible to facilitate a Nursery – P1 transition visit to the new class.   We will now only have access in the new…

Parental Survey Required by Tuesday 23 June at 5pm

Please use the link below to complete a questionnaire for Midlothian Council to identify your needs for the children returning to school in August. Please note the questionnaire needs to be completed by Tuesday 23 June at 5pm


Please see below a message from Fiona Robertson – Executive Director Children, Young People & Partnerships – Midlothian Council Primary and Secondary School Planned Delivery Model August 2020 Primary schools blended learning model will operate as follows:  most children…

Midlothian Instrumental Music Service – Virtual Concert – Summer 2020

Here are Sarah McLeod and Anja French. Both will be performing at Midlothian Instrumental Music Service’s special online concert on the Midlothian Council Facebook page from 7pm on Thursday evening 18th June. Sarah is just leaving S6 at St David’s…

Parent Feedback on Distance Learning

As a school we would like to get your feedback as parent(s)/carers on how distance learning has taken place in your home. Please click on this link to complete or you can also find the link under General Links, Parent feedback on our home page…