Midlothian Council Press Statement

Our Apologies to all parents and carers for the lateness of the message this morning, however due to adverse weather conditions the Education service took the decision to delay opening schools this morning as there have been a number of accidents on A701, A702 and A703 and traffic in most directions was at a standstill this morning. Roads from Borders/Pathhead/A7 area was really poor with Blizzard conditions in many high areas. This led to Head Teachers/Teachers/staff calling in reporting that they were stuck in traffic along with school buses/transport.

In order to ensure that we had enough staff in schools to keep children safe we advised families not to bring children to school until 11.00am however, if children were on route we advised there would be staff at schools to greet them, but children may not be in their normal class until we had  staff in school.