As we are approaching the end of term and we are busy planning how everyone will return to school, we need to do something different in the Classrooms. For the final three weeks we will post Home Learning Grids that can be completed as a family activity, with the final one being a Family Sports Week as we have missed our Sports Day. These will also be on the school website.
The teachers will still check in with you but less frequently – it would be great to see some of your Sports Week activities so that we can put them on twitter!!
Thank you to all the boys and girls who have worked so hard in their Virtual Classroom – and thanks to all the family members who have supported them with it. We have created a survey in the classroom to find out more about your experience of Google Classroom – what worked and what helped. There is also a survey on the website for parents and carers to complete too.
I will be putting a letter on the website soon with an update about what will be happening for the end of term. School reports will also be coming out to you by post Week Beginning 22nd June.
I hope you are all staying safe. I can’t wait to see you all again.
Love from Mrs Laird