Category: Latest News

Border Embroideries 10% off for parents all weekend

Please see information below from Border Embroideries in relation to 10% discount on online uniform orders for this weekend only. Parents can claim 10% off their uniform orders this weekend To celebrate the bank holiday, we’re giving 10% off all online orders…

Community Learning and Development Plan

Are you a young person living in Midlothian? What type of youth work do you think the council and its partners should be offering in your area? We want you to have your say on a new three-year Community Learning…

Active School -Information for Parent-Summer Holiday Activities/Camp

Dear Parent/Carer, Summer holiday camps/activities A number of local clubs are running activities and camps during the school summer holidays.  Please see our website for information on what sports/activities are on offer: Active Midlothian | Summer holiday activities!  We will continually…

Midlothian Active Schools Club Term 3

Please find below the link to the Active Schools Cluster Programme–bookings-now-open-1132

Primary 1 Intake August 2021 Transition Information and Documents

Please click the links below to read information regarding transitioning from Nursery to Primary 1. AU-N-030-Number-Formation-Worksheet updated p1 booklet updated letter to parents May 21- final draft.doc P1 I Can Booklet updated 060521 Letter Formation Upper and Lowercase Worksheet

Border Embroideries – School Uniform

Re April newsletter, please note due to a clerical error the uniform link was incorrect.  The correct  link to order school uniform from Border Embroideries is noted below: